What We Do

We want to make custom art available to all. We want to see more artists living their dreams.

Commissioning artwork has been a painful and complex process, requiring patrons to hunt down an artist, figure out their availability and pricing, and hope the artist delivers.

Artists wanting to make a living have had difficulty getting their offerings out there, managing their workload, and getting paid.

We aim to solve these problems.

Artconomy is an upcoming service that creates storefronts for artists, manages their products and portfolios, and handles payment with simple contracts and escrow. Artists do not have to worry about getting paid, as they already know money is ready for them once they complete their commission.

We give commissioners a way to showcase their characters and the art created for them. Commissioners know that they don’t have to fear flaky artists– they have access to ratings, and know that if an artist does not deliver, they will get their money back.

Keep Tabs

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