Adjustments: How to Handle the Chaos of Custom Orders

Until Artconomy, creating a storefront for custom art has been difficult.

One of the biggest reasons why is that each piece that’s created comes with its own unique details, and some of these details require more work than others.

Imagine creating an online ‘product’ to represent ink sketches you’re willing to sell.

You set the price for it and then wait for the orders to come in.

Finally one arrives and you look at the details. To your horror, you discover…

Detailed Tattoos

…you realize that you’ll be spending at least double the time on this one piece while charging the same price for it.

You could increase the prices of your commission offerings to offset when this happens,  but then your general price might be too much.

What you need is a way to charge extra for only those commissions that require detail work.

Enter Artconomy’s Adjustments feature! Adjustments allow you to tack on extra charges (or discounts!) for each commission depending on what the customer has asked for.

This makes sure that if you end up having to spend more time to make a piece the right way, the commissioner is paying for that extra time.

Not only can you specify how much more (or less) you will be charging for a piece, you can also specify how much more (or less) the task weight should be.

Since Artconomy manages your workload for you, it can take into account commissions that are going to take longer and avoid keeping you open for commissions and over-committing, preventing customer service problems.

The next time you see a character with wings show up, don’t panic, just set an adjustment and get back to creating the art you love!

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