Reputation and Ratings for Artists and Buyers

On most art and gallery sites that are available today, it’s difficult to establish a reputation as either a commissioner or an artist.

With Artconomy, this is no longer a concern.

Every commission allows an opportunity for commissioners and artists to rate each other.

When you visit a user’s profile page, click the stars under their avatar to view their ratings.

If they don’t yet have any stars, they’re new, and you could be the first to rate them!

To rate your artist (or your commissioner) look at the bottom of your order page under the final.

There, you’ll find a form to set a number of stars and add any comments you have.

With the power of feedback you can work together with your fellow artists and art lovers to improve each other and the community!

Preventing Abuse

One of the most frustrating parts of online market places are fake reviews.

It’s very easy on many sites for sellers to hire out for dishonest feedback.

On Artconomy, no ratings may be placed without a completed purchase, making it very expensive for anyone to inflate their rating.

Likewise, anyone who might submit a bad review has to have already finished and settled the transaction first, with the piece delivered, removing much of the motivation for demanding a refund or otherwise extorting based on a bad review.

If you suspect anyone is abusing the rating system, please contact support with more information.

Artconomy takes review fraud seriously and wants to keep purchasing and selling art safe for everyone on our platform!

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