The Commissioning Process: How it Works

Artconomy’s primary goal is to make it as easy to commission online as it is in person.

To do this, we have created a system that makes it easy for commissioners to order, easy for artists to communicate with their customers, and which fosters trust between the parties involved.

Today we’ll be looking at how this system works!


Setting up your Characters

Before you begin ordering a commission, you will want to set up any characters you want to be portrayed on your profile.

To do this, go to your profile page by clicking on your name/icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select the ‘Characters’ tab on your profile.

You can then hit the green plus sign to begin.

You can set your character’s sex, species, and description here.

You can also add tags for your character to make them easier for you or others to search for, and/or mark them private so only you can see them.

Not only that, but you can set their colors, too, if you already know what their colors should be.

Placing the Order

Once you have your characters set up, it’s time to place the order.

Find a product you’d like either by using the search bar, browsing recent products on the home page, or by checking the ‘Who’s Open?’ list.

If the product is covered by Artconomy Shield, you’ll see an indicater of that right below the product.

Click the order button and you’ll be brought to the order form.

Add any characters you’d like, describe what’s needed, and click the Submit button in the top right!


Handling an Incoming Order

Once a commissioner places an order, you’ll receive a notification on site and by email.

Follow the link in the email or click the notification in your notifications center to visit the order page.

Here, you’ll have an opportunity to review the details of the order and make any adjustments necessary to price, workload, or timing expectations.

From here, you can decline the order or accept it.

Once accepted, the commissioner will receive an email and notification letting them know the artist’s finalized price, and that it’s time to pay.

The Real Work Begins!

Now that the order is accepted, the artist can begin work as soon as they are ready.

Artists, when beginning work, be sure to click the ‘Mark as In Progress’ button to notify commissioners when you’ve begun.

You can even include a streaming link so that they (and your watchers) can see the work in progress!

As you complete revisions for the customer to review, they will be able to comment on the received work.

Once the work is completed, the artist can upload the final for review.

From there they can either approve the final or dispute it through the Artconomy Shield system, bringing in a mediator from the Artconomy team.

See our FAQ for how disputes regarding orders are judged.

Once the order is done, be sure to rate your buyer or seller!

Getting Paid!

Once the piece is approved, the money is available for withdrawal.

If the artist doesn’t have Auto Withdraw turned on, they can then visit their settings page, and check their Payout Account under the Payment tab to initiate a withdrawal.

The transfer should complete within 5 business days to their bank account.

If you’d like to see how you can make more on each commission, or how to know when your favorite artists are open, read our post about Artconomy Portrait and Landscape!

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